Dr Ghafoor Mubarak AGSurgerys bariatric surgery, lumps and bumps removal, Hernia operations, Thyroid swellings and conditions, Breast lumps, cancers and breast conditions, Cancer surgery including stomach colon small bowel, Gallstone disease treatment, Circumcision and hernia for children and neonates, Hemorrhoid treatment and surgery, Abcsess and drainage, Weight loss clinic, Breast clinic and Surgery Clinic in Penang Malaysia.
Dr Ghafoor Mubarak AGSurgerys bariatric surgery, lumps and bumps removal, Hernia operations, Thyroid swellings and conditions, Breast lumps, cancers and breast conditions, Cancer surgery including stomach colon small bowel, Gallstone disease treatment, Circumcision and hernia for children and neonates, Hemorrhoid treatment and surgery, Abcsess and drainage, Weight loss clinic, Breast clinic and Surgery Clinic in Penang Malaysia.
Dr Ghafoor Mubarak AGSurgerys bariatric surgery, lumps and bumps removal, Hernia operations, Thyroid swellings and conditions, Breast lumps, cancers and breast conditions, Cancer surgery including stomach colon small bowel, Gallstone disease treatment, Circumcision and hernia for children and neonates, Hemorrhoid treatment and surgery, Abcsess and drainage, Weight loss clinic, Breast clinic and Surgery Clinic in Penang Malaysia.